Image: Unsplash, downloaded (https://unsplash.com/photos/hLZZ0ScUBos) 8.1.2022.
In these new poems by Charlie Baylis, we get to see two different sides of the poet: the somewhat detached, seemingly emotionless side of him and the wounded, fragile one. It is a valuable insight into the inner life of the poet trough described (opposite) experiences and a brave attempt by Baylis to reinterpret his encounters in order to find some kind of closure.
Editor-in-Chief, Ana Savković
tokyo 353
on white sand
bouquet of roses
loveless sex
black heat scream
the sky is burning
i fuck you
cherry blossom
my apparition
blue light filters through the blind
displacing centuries
a brush of dust on cherry blossom
she said she’d call
spring turning the cherry blossom blue
apparition of storm clouds
& storms
heavy cherry blossom she said
beautiful from above the rainfall
a baseball curves
an arc to the glove
she never called
my apparition & soft chandeliers
may the devil bless you
About the Author: Charlie Baylis is from Nottingham, England. He is the Editor of Anthropocene and the Chief Editorial Advisor to Broken Sleep Books. His poetry has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and once for the Forward Prize, he has also been shortlisted for a Saboteur Award for Best Reviewer of Literature. His most recent publication is Santa Lucía (Invisible Hand Press). He spends his spare time completely adrift of reality.
More from Baylis in ZiN Daily: https://www.zvonainari.hr/single-post/charlie-baylis-exit-plans-gifts
Translation from English to Croatian by Ana Savković:
tokio 353
na bijelom pijesku
buket ruža
seks bez ljubavi
vrisak crne vrućine
nebo gori
jebem te
trešnjin cvijet
moje ukazanje
plavo svjetlo filtrira se kroz rolete
premještajući stoljeća
dodir prašine na trešnjinom cvijetu
rekla je da će nazvati
proljeće plavi trešnjin cvijet
ukazanje olujnih oblaka
& oluje
teški trešnjin cvijet rekla je
lijep iznad padalina
krivulja bejzbol loptice
luk do rukavice
nikad nije nazvala
moje ukazanje & mekani lusteri
neka te vrag blagoslovi
O autoru: Charlie Baylis je iz Nottinghama u Engleskoj. Urednik je online časopisa Anthropocene i glavni urednički savjetnik u Broken Sleep Books. Njegova je poezija dva puta nominirana za Pushcart Prize i jednom za Forward Prize, a također je ušao u uži izbor za nagradu Saboteur za najboljeg recenzenta književnosti. Njegova posljednja publikacija je "Santa Lucía" (Invisible Hand Press). Svoje slobodno vrijeme provodi potpuno odvojen od stvarnosti.
Više od Baylisa u ZiN Daily-u: https://www.zvonainari.hr/single-post/charlie-baylis-exit-plans-gifts