Image: Unsplash, downloaded ( 08.07.2022.
Radical Neurology
This is not therapy
This is not expression
This is not poetry
This is combat
Full contact empathy
These words are sculpting brains
Molding emotions and
Flipping neural polarities.
What I need you to feel is
To understand what was
Written with shaking
Fingers and blazing brains
Not to read but to comprehend
To see not merely stand
About the Author: An independent DIY e-publisher, artist, and sex worker, the Maenad writes about gender, class, sex, inequality, mental illness, and the intersection of these points, sometimes also writing about culture, games, space, futurism, and the human condition. Thinking of other worlds and how best to help this one. Find her @dreaminggynoid and @scarlet_maenadum on IG.