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The idea behind ZVONA i NARI Library & Literary Retreat is to provide a space for writers, artists and other professionals who work with the book as a medium, to bring them all in direct contact with each other and involve them with the local community.
This idea stems from our firm belief in the collaborative, communal, social character of literature which as a form of art and a form of communication can grow, prosper and evolve only if there are enough places where people who create it can meet face to face.
For this purpose we have opened our home to the public, to our neighbors, to all people who like books and to books themselves as well. We invite all those who feel they can contribute to or benefit from this project to come and visit us. Thus far our invitation was accepted by dozens of creative people from around the world - not only Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia, but also from Hungary, Austria, Romania, Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Argentina, Canada, USA, India, South Korea...

ZVONA i NARI offer more than 10.000 volumes to the members of its immediate community: our neighbors from Ližnjan, Medulin & Pula, but also to all guests of the literary retreat (writers, poets, translators, literary scholars etc.).
Considering that the collection consists in its entirety of books donated by friends, writers, book lovers, libraries big and small from around the world, it is a model of how libraries can become a relevant part of everyday life of small rural or suburban communities.
We are particularly proud of our small but comprehensive selection of titles dealing with collective or collaborative aspect of literary authorship which might be of special interest to students and scholars of literary theory.
Other special collections include titles on the history of film and theater, 20th century political history, books in foreign languages, children's books...
All of them are divided among the houses of the retreat so by joining us, our guests become an important part of the library as well, because we look after books as good as we look after people.


The Municipality
of Ližnjan
The City
of Pula
The Region
of Istria
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
Kultura Nova