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Međunarodna književna večer u ZiN-u kolovoz 2017.

Poštovani i dragi prijatelji,

knjižnica i književno svratište ZVONA i NARI pozivaju vas na međunarodnu književnu večer koja će se održati u našem svratištu u utorak 08.08. 2017. s početkom u 8 sati navečer (20h). Družimo se s Jane Flett iz Berlina, Sinišom Stojanovićem iz Beograda i Benedekom Totthom iz Budimpešte.

Jane Flett je škotska autorica kraće proze koja iako živi u Berlinu, piše na materinskom engleskom jeziku, pa je 2015. dobila nagradu Indieberlin kao najbolja berlinska spisateljica engleskog jezičnog izraza alternativne književne scene. Rođena je 1984. u Škotskoj gdje je nastupala na raznim književnim festivalima (pa i na Edinburgh International Book Festival -u) te je 2009. dobila nagradu za mladu književnu nadu: New Writer Award koju dodjeljuje organizacija za promociju kulture knjige Scotish Book Trust. Prozu je objavljivala i na BBC radiju. Piše i poeziju koja je 2012. uvrštena u antologiju Salt's Best British Poetry. Urednica je časopisa Leopardskin & Limes i suosnivačica programa Queer Stories Berlin. Pjeva i svira violončelo u punk-bendu Razor Cunts koji je osnovala zajedno s Ambikom Thompson, gošćom ZiN-a u svibnju ove godine.

Siniša Stojanović dolazi nam iz Beograda. Pjesnik je i prozaik mlađe generacije (rođen 1981.), glazbenik koji je kao bubnjar svirao u četrdeset autorskih bendova, voditelj klupskih događanja, radio-voditelj, glazbeni producent, urednik. Do sada je objavio tri zbirke pjesama, a zapažen kritički uspjeh postiže prošle godine prvom knjigom proze naslova„Beogradska bilježnica“ (2016.). Riječ je fragmentiranim filozofsko-estetskim zapisima beogradske svakodnevice koju bilježi pripovjedač-svjedok dok se vozi u gradskim autobusima. Ulomke iz knjige Siniša će čitati na književnoj večeri u Ližnjanu.

Benedek Totth rođen je 1977. u mađarskom Kaposváru te je književnu karijeru gradio prevođenjem djela poznatih imena engleske i američke književnosti kao što su: Cormac McCarthy, Aldous Huxley, Chuck Palahniuk and Hunter S. Thompson. Svoj prvi roman naslova „Holtverseny“ Benedek je objavio 2014. pri vodećoj mađarskoj nakladničkoj kući Magvető Kiadó. Upravo mu je njegov prvijenac donio nagradu Margó za najbolji debitantski roman u Mađarskoj te godine. Roman se prevodi na engleski, francuski i slovački jezik.

Svi autori u Ližnjanu rade na svojim novim rukopisima, a o tome kao i o njihovim literarnim i životnim preokupacijama razgovarat ćemo na književnoj večeri u Ližnjanu u utorak 8.08. u 8h. Vidimo se!

Programe ZVONA i NARA financijski potpomažu Općina Ližnjan, Istarska županija, Ministarstvo kulture RH i Zaklada Kultura nova.


An evening of international literary gathering, here at ZiN will take place August 8th at 8PM. Be there! You will be meeting great people and writers:

Jane Flatt (1984, Scotland, UK) is a philosopher, cellist, and seamstress of most fetching stories. Her poetry features in the Best British Poetry anthology and is available as a chapbook, Quick, to the Hothouse, from Dancing Girl Press. Her fiction has been commissioned for BBC Radio, performed at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, and awarded the Scottish Book Trust New Writer Award. Jane’s work appears widely in print and online journals, including Wigleaf’s Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions 2014. She lives in Berlin where she was voted Berlin’s best Engish-language writer in 2015 by Indieberlin, and has recently been translated into Japanese for distribution in Toyko. Jane is also the poetry editor for Leopardskin & Limes and co-founder of Queer Stories Berlin. She sings and plays chello in the bend Razor Cunts whose member is also Ambika Thompson who was ZiN's writer in residence in May of 2017.

Siništa Stojanović (1981, Belgrade) is a poet and writer from Serbia where he had for years played as a drummer in different punk-bands. He is also a music producer, literary editor and the organizer of different cultural events, currently working at the club Polet in Belgrade. After three books of poetry, last year he published his first prose book titled "The Belgrade Notebook" which attracted a notable critical acclaim. In this fragmented novel the narrator rides Belgrade's buses and uses these daily trips for philosophical duels with reality.

Benedek Totth was born in 1977 in Kaposvár, Hungary. Working as a translator from English speaking literatures Benedek has translated novels by influential authors like Cormac McCarthy, Aldous Huxley, Chuck Palahniuk and Hunter S. Thompson. He was the editor of József Attila Circle’s World Literature Series. Benedek's first novel, DEAD HEAT was published in 2014 by Hungary's leading publishing houses Magvető Kiadó. The following year it won the Margó Award for the best debut novel of the year in Hungary. Translation rights are sold to Slovakia (Zeleny Kocur), France (Actes Sud). The English language rights are sold to Biblioasis, Canada. His second novel is due to be published this autumn.

The programs of ZVONA i NARI are supported by the Municipality of Ližnjan, the Region of Istria, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Kultura nova Foundation.


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ZiN Daily is published by ZVONA i NARI, Cultural Production Cooperative

Vrčevan 32, 52204 Ližnjan, Istria, Croatia

OIB 73342230946

ISSN 2459-9379


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The image of Quasimodo is by French artist Louis Steinheil, which appeared in  the 1844 edition of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Perrotin of Paris.


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