Image: Unsplash, downloaded (https://unsplash.com/photos/silhouette-of-a-woman-with-pink-and-purple-sky-nXo2ZsKHTHg) 18. 5. 2024.
Tanto ami
La polvere che sono
Da farla risorgere.
Dio, entra in questa ferita
Non per sanarla ma per dilaniarla.
È troppo profonda per essere
Curata da fuori.
Curami da dentro e lasciami
La tua cicatrice.
Anche quando urlo, scalcio e batto i piedi
Tu che mi riconosci anche quando
Io non sono io
Salvami salvami.
Croatian translation:
Ti toliko voliš
Prah koji jesam
Da bi ga uskrsnuo.
Bože, uđi u ovu ranu
Ne da je izliječiš, već da je rastrgaš.
Preduboka je da bi se
izliječila izvana.
Izliječi me iznutra i ostavi mi
Svoj ožiljak .
Čak i kad vrištim, šutiram se i lupam nogama
Spasi me.
Ti koji me prepoznaješ čak i kad
Ja nisam ja
Spasi me spasi me.
English translation:
You love so much
The dust I am
To resurrect it.
God, enter this wound
Not to heal it but to destroy it.
It’s too deep to be
Cured from the outside.
Cure me from the inside and leave me
Your scar.
Even when I kick and scream
Save me.
God who knows me when
I’m not myself
Save me save me.
About the Author: Serena Prosperi is a 24 years old worm: God isn’t finished with her yet.
She’s an Italian writer based in Rome. She is also an actress with a passion for social theatre and a psychiatric rehabilitation student. Recently, she published on the online magazine “They call us” a short story named “Calligraphy”. Her poems are about to be published in Italy in a collection of poems called "senza mai arrivare".
She writes about her growing pains and the concepts of queerness, addiction, recovery and spirituality mainly through poems and flash fiction.